Integration of gamification tools in learning management systems for augmenting students’ academic performance in higher education
Gamification, higher education, academic performance, gamification elementsAbstract
Rationale of Study – The purpose of this investigation was to identify the common gamification elements and their impact on students’ academic performance, the theoretical foundations of gamification as well as to investigate gamification models used in teaching and learning in higher education.
Methodology – Bibliometric analyses were used in this work to reveal the patterns and effect of implementing gamification in education.
Findings – The findings of the review confirmed that the investigation verified the widespread use of gamification elements such as badges, levels, points and leader boards. Further, self-determination theory was found playing a significant and pervasive influence in the acceptance of integrating gamification elements since they satisfy the psychological needs of competence, autonomy and relatedness in higher education.
Implications – This study recommends to the university management to encourage eLearning lecturers to incorporate a variety of gamification tools in teaching and learning in the spirit of enhancing students’ interaction and engagement capabilities.
Originality – This research is important for educational policymakers, practitioners, and theorists. More research on gamification and game components in diverse educational contexts is encouraged, including experimental research approaches as well as bibliometrics analyses.
Copyright (c) 2023 Ben Mariga Bogonko, Ronald Keng’ara Tombe, Jane Cherono Maina, Benard Maake Magara (Author)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.