Knowledge Sharing Opportunities on Safe Delivery of Children for Birth Companions in Kakamega County, Kenya
Knowledge sharing, birth companions, knowledge sharing, Kakamega, KenyaAbstract
Rationale of Study – This study investigated the opportunities available for birth companions to share knowledge on safe deliveries in Kakamega County.
Methodology – The study used mixed methods research approach based on a survey design. Data was collected using questionnaires, interview guides and observation checklists from 782 respondents sampled from 5768 comprising of birth companions, community health volunteers, health administrators, public health offers, district health officers, matrons and a director of health services. Quantitative data was analysed using statistical software package (SPSS) to generate descriptive and inferential statistics while qualitative data was analysed thematically.
Findings – This study revealed that birth companions had opportunities to share knowledge on maternal health. This knowledge is critical in determining medical problems bedevilling maternal healthcare in Kakamega county. If utilised well, the county can avert maternal mortality incidences especially in the remote areas where they happen and remain unaccounted for.
Implications – The study is of importance to county governments to facilitate the participation and collaboration among birth companions and health practitioners in sharing knowledge on safe deliveries.
Originality – The study is an original research work which has not been conducted in Kakamega County, Kenya
Copyright (c) 2021 Alice Moyi Mwanza, Ben Wekalao Namande, Ashah Owano (Author)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.