Provision of Library Services for Quality Information Literacy in Emerging Knowledge Society: The Case of Nigerian Academic Libraries
Library services, Librarians, ICT, Information Literacy, Knowledge Society, Academic library, NigeriaAbstract
Rationale of Study – The emergence of a knowledge society driven by ubiquitous information and Information Communication Technology (ICT) has made knowledge to become the key resource facilitating the creation of new economic and social configurations. The challenge of managing abundant information available far and wide in a knowledge society finds most people unequipped with appropriate knowledge and skills. This, therefore, requires information literacy skills to cope with the challenge. The paper examines the provision of library services towards the improvement of information literacy in emerging knowledge society.
Methodology – This study conducted a systematic literature review using classical approach. It explores scholarly databases including Google Scholar, ERIC, Science Direct and other institutional databases for literature search. Systematic search was carried out with key-word and title search synthesis in order to select and review the existing literature.
Findings – Findings indicate that information literacy being a strong pillar of a knowledge society is central to educational and national developments. Hence, quality information literacy curricula and improved information literacy service by academic libraries. Also, library well-funded with modern ICT tools and information experts have the potential to foster information literacy in knowledge society through their services.
Practical Implications – The findings of study would enable stakeholders in education sector and other related agencies to support libraries objectives in imparting information literacy education by formulating educational policies that give room for information literacy education, review information literacy curricula for academic libraries, as well as support library at all levels with funds to run information literacy initiatives and programmes.
Originality – This is a conceptual review paper where scholarly literature on provision of library services for quality information literacy in Nigerian academic libraries were systematically analysed and relevant cited headings adopted.
Copyright (c) 2020 Hawwau Adedayo Moruf (Author)
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